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Hi, I’m so glad you found me.

My names Dani.


I have been a type 1 diabetic since I was 18 years old. (Insanely nearly 11 years.)

I now have a beautiful healthy little girl and wanted to share my story.

Over the years I have been asked questions such as, “I thought all diabetics were larger?” Or “do you have to eat at the same time every day?” I guess I may of had the same questions if I wasn’t diabetic? Possibly! I’m hoping you can relate to my experiences if you’re with me on this crazy rollercoaster. If you want to learn a bit more about living with diabetes, or if you have a loved one going through it.

Hi Mum, Dad, Nan, Grandad, Brother, Sister, Friend or Teacher if this is you.

It’s lovely to meet you.


Right now you may be having a tough time, learning new things or adjusting to changes in life.


Use this as a comfort blanket.


Laugh at me, cry with me. I’ve had to laugh at myself, with myself. With family and friends many times. It’s my way of feeling in control.

If I can laugh, I can conquer…

I will prevail

(Yes I’m laughing at this last part, as true as it may be.)



Get in touch.


It would be lovely to hear from you. Send me your stories. Let me know how you’re doing, what you’re feeling. Even just to say Hello!


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My Diagnoisis

Diabetic stories

Journey to my positive


