So close to a slip up.

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Ok ok. So we decide to keep you a secret until our 12 week scan.

Little did I know the hospital have my parents number on record!!!

A voicemail has been left to check I’ll be attending. I tell my Mum I’m switching hospitals for my diabetic appointments. (Let’s see how long until she begins fishing for more info.)


Feelings: worried. I’m not having pregnancy symptoms. What if you’re no longer in my tummy?

Injecting 2 more units of glargine (long lasting basil insulin)

Changed breakfast ratio. Pre pregnancy was 1:10 (1 until for every 10g carbohydrates) now injecting 1.5:10

Occasionally going low after lunch.

(Note to self a calculator will be needed for meals)

Still reading crazy stories. Reading everything to do with pregnancy actually.

(I will soon become a pregnancy guru, broadening my knowledge every evening!)


Wondering how people wait until 12 weeks for the first scan. Going stir crazy here waiting for 8!

Please give me patience.
