Very first hospital appointment

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Very first hospital appointment.


We arrived at half 8 and went straight to see the midwife.

•Urine sample

•Blood pressure

•Blood test

She then proceeded to ask questions about my control, previous hba1c results and family history.

I was given a diary along with a few other things and sat outside waiting for the dietitian (1 hour later I went in,) we spoke about carb counting, my diet and then I was told to estimate the amount of carbohydrates by looking at photos of food. She was happy and said she wouldn’t need to see me again.

I was back out waiting to see the consultant. Around an hour or so later I went in. She went through the new diary and the results i had already written down at home, explained a bit about what would be happening over the coming months and asked if I was taking a higher dose of folic acid, if I had a glucagon injection at home and told me I needed to take a low dose of aspirin each day.

I was then taken back into the midwife who sorted the prescriptions and told me to pick them up after my scan.

Yes finally the scan!
I was sent upstairs to the early scan unit. After about 20 minutes we went in, i lay on the bed. We were told because its early we may not see much, but they needed to detect a sac and hopefully a heart beat.

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I wiped the cold gel off my tummy and went to get the prescription off the midwife, here we were told to book back in at reception as we would be visiting every two weeks!

Great, thanks to the fact my pancreas is bone idle I’ll be attending the hospital every two weeks! silver lining.. more scans, more opportunities to see you.


Feelings: I am still floating on a cloud because I got to see you.
