
So you’re diabetic, just found out you’re pregnant… What next?


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Ok so I’m Dani.


I found out I was pregnant after a year of trying.

I danced around the kitchen (like a complete wolly I may add) totally in my happy place. We did it!

Now what?

Total disclaimer. I’m not a medical professional at all. I’m hoping my experience can give you a little insight into what you may be about to go through/ what you’re going through.


My worrisome, crazy, beautiful definitely scary diabetic pregnancy!


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So Welcome. Here we go…

So close to a slip up.

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Ok ok. So we decide to keep you a secret until our 12 week scan.

Little did I know the hospital have my parents number on record!!!

A voicemail has been left to check I’ll be attending. I tell my Mum I’m switching hospitals for my diabetic appointments. (Let’s see how long until she begins fishing for more info.)


Feelings: worried. I’m not having pregnancy symptoms. What if you’re no longer in my tummy?

Injecting 2 more units of glargine (long lasting basil insulin)

Changed breakfast ratio. Pre pregnancy was 1:10 (1 until for every 10g carbohydrates) now injecting 1.5:10

Occasionally going low after lunch.

(Note to self a calculator will be needed for meals)

Still reading crazy stories. Reading everything to do with pregnancy actually.

(I will soon become a pregnancy guru, broadening my knowledge every evening!)


Wondering how people wait until 12 weeks for the first scan. Going stir crazy here waiting for 8!

Please give me patience.


Stories, stories Horror stories! (5 weeks)

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5 weeks pregnant.. the second week knowing you’re in my tummy!

The letter from the hospital is here (that arrived quick!) Our very first appointment will be… Wednesday 6th December! I’ll be 8 weeks pregnant. Very excited.

It seems so far away! I’ve read we will have an early scan to see how you’re doing.

Googling diabetic pregnancy wasn’t a great idea, I came across so many heart breaking stories (Horror stories.) Struggling to find anything positive. It’s like car crash TV I can’t stop reading!!!

(Please someone, anyone give me a positive story)


Feelings: I’m feeling good. Needing more insulin after breakfast. Beginning to write blood sugar results down.


It’s positive!

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It’s positive!


A positive pregnancy test…

Let the fun begin!

I called the doctors to book an appointment. (What happens next?)

Is it me or does everyone you see seem to say congratulations, now here is a long list of complications that may occur. (Thanks for that heavy burden, like I wasn’t worried enough already.)

During doctors appointment:

Hospital is now informed of my pregnancy.

First appointment booked to see the midwife.

Note to self research pregnancy and diabetes.

My stomach was cramping before having a positive test, almost like a sharp stabbing feeling in my lower tummy, this was more intense than menstral pain. I also had high blood sugar readings especially on the evening.


Initial feelings: Excited. But jesus am I worried.



Diabetic stories

My Diagnoisis

Journey to my positive

